C.R.M.P Picture Gallery

UNDISPUTED- Dope (EP) from the (Gain on My Level) album which is AVAILABLE NOW ON ALL MUSIC PLATFORMS!!!

UNDISPUTED- Parley (E.P) from the (Gain on My Level) album available NOW on ALL MUSIC PLATFORMS!!!

UNDISPUTED- album (Gain on My Level) is Now Available on all Music Platforms!!!

LEVEL UP- On Go (E.P) from the (Get Lit - Stay Lit) album which is AVAILABLE NOW ON ALL MUSIC PLATFORMS!!!

LEVEL UP- Houston (E.P) promoting the (Get Lit - Stay Lit) album available NOW on ALL MUSIC PLATFORMS!!!

LEVEL UP- album (GET LIT - STAY LIT) is Now Available on all Music Platforms!!!

FRYDAE KILLASMOKE- album (Mr. Hood Crunk) is Now Available on all Music Platforms!!!

Only Kiix- single (Disrespectful) is Now Available on all Music Platforms!!!

FRYDAE KILLASMOKE- single (Hear My Song) is Now Available on all Music Platforms!!!

UNDISPUTED- single (Circumstances) is Now Available on all Music Platforms!!!

Lady-A Da Lyricstarr- single (Back N Tha Black) is Now Available on all Music Platforms!!!

Lady-A Da Lyricstarr- single (We Da Scene) is Now Available on all Music Platforms!!!

UNDISPUTED- album (Out Da Hood) COMING SOON!!! On All Music Platforms.

Lady-A Da Lyricstarr- single (Breakin Bad) is Now Available on all Music Platforms!!!

UNDISPUTED Ft. Only Kiix- single (Head To The Bar) is Now Available on all Music Platforms!!!

FRYDAE KILLASMOKE- single (Stash House) with bonus track "Gangsta's Live" is Now Available on all Music Platforms!!!

FRYDAE KILLASMOKE- single (Droppin Bricks) is Now Available on all Music Platforms!!!

FRYDAE KILLASMOKE- single (Nightmare on Frydae Street) is Now Available on all Music Platforms!!!

UNDISPUTED- album (Turn IT Up A Notch) COMING SOON!!! On All Music Platforms.

Follow C.R.M.P, UNDISPUTED, and LEVEL UP or any individual artist at C.R.M.P REVERBNATION to catch any UPCOMING SHOWS & EVENTS. Please don't forget to follow. Also check out the C.R.M.P SHOW PAGE here on this website where you can subscribe for email updates for any upcoming shows.

This Album cover was designed at Champ Records Music Production C.R.M.P for the group UNDISPUTED. With group members FRYDAE (KILLASMOKE) and LADY-A (DA LYRIC STARR). This New single 25 MILL was recorded at C.R.M.P to promote the group UNDISPUTED'S  (Gain On My Level Album).  

 This (25 Mill Poster) was designed also by (FRYDAE KILLASMOKE) to promote the (Gain On My Level) album. All songs on this album was written by Frydae & Lady-A of UNDISPUTED.

UNDISPUTED Throwbacks 

This is a photo of UNDISPUTED's 1st album Hood Crunk. All songs on this album was produced at C.R.M.P and written by the three artist you see in the photo in the year 2008. From your left to right: (Sta-Floe / Lady-A / Frydae) . This album can be found on: C.R.M.P VIP MEMBERS website only sold along with other UNDISPUTED Albums.

 This photo of UNDISPUTED was taken in a professional studio in Houston Texas for their 2nd album "Brang Da Heat"  in 2010.

Co. C.E.O- Lady- A Da Lyricstarr 

©2005 Champ Records Music Production

 This photo show's UNDISPUTED'S 1st single "TEXAS" from the Hood Crunk album.

 This photo of UNDISPUTED was taken at club El Dorado in Beaumont, TX right before a performance. 04/08/2011

C.E.O- Frydae Killasmoke